User Guide

Revised 02/24/09





Organize your conference call by notifying all participants of the date and time for your conference call, the Conference Dial-in Number and the Guest Code.




At the specified time, all participants dial the Conference Dial-in Number and enter the appropriate Host Code or Guest Code.




Login to the AireConference Web Portal:

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter Account #: Your AireConference account number
  3. Enter Password: aireconf (default)
  4. Web Portal opens to the Subscribers page.

·         If using the Web Portal for the first time, click on your Subscriber Name and then Update your Password.

  1. Go to the Conferences page to begin management of your conference.

·         Click on the Conference Number of the conference you wish to manage.  This opens the Calls page for the conference.

·         Set the Refresh rate to 10 seconds (recommended). You can also refresh the page manually by clicking the browser’s Refresh button.





Identify Callers

When callers join the conference; you may enter their names in order to identify callers when they are speaking:

·         Click on the User Name field, type in the caller’s name and then hit “Enter”.

·         The name will remain for the duration of the call and will appear in the Calls report.


Mute Callers (also Touch Tone *5)

The host has several options available to mute callers.


CONFERENCE MUTE:  To mute all callers/guests, use the Conference Mute dropdown at the top of the page just to the right of the Conference Number.  Conference Mute applies only to Guests (not to Hosts) and has 3 settings:

  1. Open– All callers/guests can speak.
  2. Relaxed -- Mutes all callers/guests but gives callers the ability to unmute/mute themselves by pressing *6 (this should be announced prior to entering Relaxed mode).
  3. Strict -- Mutes all callers/guests with no ability to unmute themselves (this should be announced prior to entering Strict mode).
    Note: Strict mode is also used in conjunction with the Question-and-Answer feature (see below).



  1. To mute an individual caller, click the Mute box for the specific caller.
  2. A check mark will appear to let you know that the caller is muted. 
  3. To unmute the caller, click the box again.


Lock (Secure) Conference (also Touch Tone *7)

Use the Conference Lock setting at the top of the page the right of the Conference Number to prevent additional callers from joining the call once all desired participants have been identified.

  1. To lock the conference click the Lock  indicator.  It will change from Unlocked to Locked.
  2. To unlock the conference, click the Lock indicator again.  It will change from Locked to Unlocked.


Hold Participants

There are two options available for placing callers on hold during a conference.


CONFERENCE HOLD:  To put all callers/guests on hold, use the Conference Hold setting to the right of the Conference Number.

  1. To put the conference on hold, click the Hold indicator.  It will change from Off Hold to On Hold and callers will hear the on-hold music.
  2. To take the conference off hold, click the Hold indicator again.  It will change from On Hold  to Off Hold.
  3. NOTE: Conference Hold applies only to Guests (not to Hosts).  All Hosts on the call can converse with each other while Guests hear the on-hold music.



  1. To place an individual caller on hold, click the Hold box for the specific caller.
  2. A check mark will appear to let you know that the caller is on hold.  The Caller will hear the on-hold music until placed back into the conference.
  3. To take the caller off hold, click the box again.


Monitor Noise

Use the Noise Indicator setting at the top of the page the right of the Conference Number to enable the noise level indicator for each caller.

1.      To enable this feature, click the Noise setting.  It will change from Noise Indicator Off to Noise Indicator On.

2.      A noise/volume meter will appear next to the Mute box for each caller.

3.      With the Noise Indicator on, you can identify a noisy line and individually mute that specific caller.


Entry/Exit Tones (available via Tone Tone *2 only)

You can use the Touch Tone command (#2) to individually turn off Entry tones or Exit tones or both.  (Not available as a Web-based command).


Record Conference (also Touch Tone *9)

Use the Recording setting at the top of the page the right of the Conference Number to record the conference call.

1.      To begin recording, click the Recording indicator.  It will change from Not Recorded to Recorded.

2.      To stop recording, click the Recording indicator.  It will change from Recorded to Not Recorded.

3.      You can start and stop recording multiple times during a conference.  However, only one recording will be produced.


Question-and-Answer Feature (used in conjunction with Touch Tone *3)

Use the following steps to conduct a host-controlled Question-and-Answer (Q&A) session:

  1. To start a Q&A session, set the Conference Mute setting to Strict and then press Touch Tone *3 then 1 from your telephone keypad.
  2. All callers will hear that the call has been muted.  Announce that callers can ask a question by pressing *6.
  3. Any caller can press *6 and then confirm that he wants to ask a question.  Callers will be placed in the Q&A queue in the order they pressed *6.  On the Web Portal, a Q&A icon will be displayed in the Q&A column for the caller.  Note: clicking on the Q&A column header will sort callers in the order they were placed in the Q&A queue.
  4. A caller can be unmuted by clicking on the Q&A icon (or by pressing Touch Tone *3 then 1) to he can ask a question or make a comment.
  5. Clicking the Q&A icon a second time (or by pressing Touch Tone *3 then 2) will mute the caller and drop him from the Q&A queue.
  6. Press Touch Tone *3 then 3 to clear the Q&A queue and end the Q&A session.


Disconnect Callers

As Host, you have the option of disconnecting disruptive callers, callers with bad connections or unwanted anonymous callers from the conference by clicking the red x-box at the far left of the caller’s entry on the Calls page.






Go to the Reports page to view either the Conferences report or the Calls report.

  1. The Conferences report shows the start time, end time, conference duration, total number of callers and total combined call duration for each conference completed for the requested time period.
    Note: Clicking on the Conference Number displays a Gantt Chart showing the call duration for each caller in the conference.
  2. The Calls report shows the caller information and statistics for each call completed for the requested time period.


Recording Playback & Download

Go to the Reports page to view the Conferences report.

  1. Conferences that were recorded will have a Recording icon next to it.
  2. Clicking the icon will download the recording for playback or storage to the customer’s computer.
  3. Mousing over the icon displays the Reference Number for the recording (needed for telephone playback).


Telephone Playback

Conference recordings are also available to Guests via telephone.  You will need to provide the Playback dial-in number and the Guest Code (same as the original conference call).

  1. Call the Playback dial-in number:

·         Toll-Free Playback Dial-in Number: see Welcome Packet or

·         Local Playback Dial-in Number: see Welcome Packet (also for use by International callers)

·         Note: Local dial-in numbers from International locations for playback purposes are not available)

  1. Enter the same Guest Code as the original conference call.
  2. If multiple recordings are available, enter the number for the desired recording.
    Note: The last 5 recorded conferences will be available for playback.  Recordings will be available for up to one month.
  3. During the playback, the caller can scroll forward or backward through the recorded conference.  The playback feature commands are:

·         *1 – Rewind 30 seconds

·         *2 – Fast forward 30 seconds

·         *5 – Pause/Resume playback


Web Portal Features/Commands



Description of Calls Page Features/Commands


This feature allows for the host to assign names to callers. To assign a name, click on the User Name field for a caller, type in a name and hit Enter. The name will remain assigned for the duration of the call and will appear in the Calls report.



To mute all callers/guests, use the Conference Mute dropdown at the top of the page just to the right of the Conference Number.  Conference Mute applies only to Guests (not to Hosts) and has 3 settings:

Open– All callers/guests can speak.

Relaxed -- Mutes all callers/guests but gives callers the ability to unmute/mute themselves by pressing *6 (this should be announced prior to entering Relaxed mode).

Strict -- Mutes all callers/guests with no ability to unmute themselves (this should be announced prior to entering Strict mode).
Note: Strict mode is also used in conjunction with the Question-and-Answer feature (see below).



This feature allows the Host to mute an individual caller.

To mute an individual caller, click the Mute box for the specific caller.  A check mark will appear to let you know that the caller is muted.  Click the box again to unmute the caller.




Use the Conference Lock setting to the right of the Conference Number to prevent additional callers from joining the call once all desired participants have been identified.

To lock the conference click the Lock  indicator.  Click the Lock indicator again to unlock the conference.



Use the Conference Hold setting to the right of the Conference Number to put all callers/guests on hold.

To place all callers/guests on hold, click the Hold indicator.  Callers will hear the on-hold music until they are placed back into the conference call.  Click the Hold indicator again to take all callers off hold.

Note: Conference Hold applies only to Guests (not to Hosts).  All Hosts on the call can converse with each other while Guests hear the on-hold music.

Individual Hold

This feature allows for the host to place an individual on hold.  The caller will hear the on-hold music until placed back into the conference.

To place an individual caller on hold, click the Hold box for the specific caller.  A check mark will appear to let you know that the caller is on hold.  Click the box again to take the caller off hold.




Use the Noise Indicator setting at the top of the page the right of the Conference Number to enable the noise level indicators, which will appear next to the Mute box for each caller.

To enable this feature, click the Noise setting.   With the Noise Indicator on, you can identify a noisy line and individually mute that specific caller.



Use the Recording setting at the top of the page the right of the Conference Number to record the conference call.

To begin recording, click the Recording indicator.  Click the Recording indicator to stop recording.

You can start and stop recording multiple times during a conference.  Only one recording will be produced.




Once a Question and Answer (Q&A) session has been started, the Q&A queue can be managed online.

When a caller wants to ask a question, the caller is placed in the Q&A queue and a Q&A icon will be displayed in the Q&A column for the caller.  A caller can be then be unmuted by clicking on the Q&A icon so he can ask his question.  Clicking the Q&A icon a second time will drop the caller from the Q&A queue.

Note: Clicking on the Q&A column header will sort callers in the order they were placed in the queue.



As Host, you have the option of disconnecting disruptive callers, callers with bad connections or unwanted anonymous callers from the conference by clicking the red x-box at the far left of the caller’s entry on the Calls page.


Revised 02/24/09


Host Touch Tone Commands





Help / List

Press** to play a list of touch tone commands available to the Host.



Press *1 to get a count of how many callers are in the conference.


Entry & Exit Tones

Press *2 one time to turn off both entry and exit tones.

Press *2 a second time to turn off entry tones but turn on exit tones.

Press *2 a third time to turn on entry tones but turn off exit tones will be off.

Press *2 a fourth time to turn on both entry and exit tones (default setting).


Answer (Q&A)

Press *3 then 1 to begin a Q&A session.

Press *3 then 1 to Unmute the next caller in the Q&A queue (repeat until all questions are answered).

Press *3 then 2 to Mute the current caller in the queue after his question has been answered.

Press *3 then 3 to end the Q&A session.


Host-Controlled Muting

Default is Open mode.  This command does not affect Hosts.

Press *5 one time to enter Relaxed mode that mutes all callers/Guests but gives Guests the ability to unmute/mute themselves by pressing *6.

Press *5 a second time to enter Strict mode that mutes all callers/Guests without the ability to unmute themselves.

Press *5 a third time to return to Open mode.


Mute /


Press *6 to self-mute your call.

Press *6 again to unmute your call.


Conference Lock

Press *7 to lock the conference and prevent additional callers from entering the conference.

Press *7 again to unlock the conference.



Press *9 to begin recording.  Press *9 again to stop recording. 

Recording can be started and stopped multiple times.  Only one recording will be produced. 

To retrieve a recorded conference, login to the Web Portal and go to Reports page to download or playback.  Guests can be given access for telephone playback of recorded conferences.



Guest Touch Tone Commands





Help / List Commands

Press** to play a list of touch tone commands available to the caller.



Press *2 to get a count of how many callers are in the conference.


Mute /


Press *6 to self-mute your call.  Press *6 again to unmute your call.



Revised 02/24/09